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Green hope for Bagnoli

The 3eCososTenibile has decided to monitor the planning of the urban park of Bagnoli. The e (hopefully) subsequent construction of the park, is part of a much larger and more ambitious project, which concerns the redevelopment and regeneration of an area where prima sorgeva una vecchia fabbrica: l'ILVA-Italsider, stabilimento siderurgico fondato nel 1905 e dismesso nel_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_1992. Considering that 30 years have passed since the factory was decommissioned without significant progress, we tried to collect data that would make us understand the reasons for the standstill. Overwhelmed by the enormous amount of technical data indecipherable to us, we decided to start our reconstruction since 2013, when the whole area was confiscated due to lack of reclamation. It is not possible to build a park if the soils and the sea remain seriously polluted. For this reason the Sport Park project was blocked, and to date the facilities are unusable. In 2019 a competition was announced a competition to win the 250 hectares of the former industrial area of Naples (Ex It419de5c5190-Sider80-Si) -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ won by S.B. Arch. Studio Bargone Associated Architects. Il progetto descrive il ritorno all'ideale di “Campania FELIX”, declinato secondo una interpretazione contemporanea del genius loci, which is expressed with the exaltation of natural, agricultural, chromatic, aesthetic and well-being characteristics.

We continued to collect information relative about the green areas of our city and especially the new urban park of Bagnoli. The data represent the quantity of natural parks present in the Italian capitals, we noted that by classifying them in order based on the percentage, Naples is in 3rd place with 11.1% of urban parks. Just think that the largest green area is that of the Bosco di Capodimonte with about 134 hectares. We have also visually represented the data with some diagrams that we attach via link. I results that we expect confirm our hypothesis that Bagnoli can be an urban park at all effects and therefore it is necessary to act as soon as possible also to guarantee to people who have seen the former industrial area of Naples pollute our sea and to see a project that will restore that area.

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